University Administration
University Administration uneadminHerbert, James β&²Τ²ϊ²υ±θ;President
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Greensboro; M.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro; B.A., University of Texas at Austin
Sheldon, Michael β Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Ph.D., Muskie School of Public Service USM; M.S., P.T., Duke University; M.S. University of Maine; B.S., University of Rhode Island
Beaulieu, Ellen, G. β Vice President for Strategy and Communications
Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University; M.P.H., University of Hawaii; B.A., University of Hawaii; A.S., Forsyth School for Dental Hygienists
Bola, William β Vice President for Operations
M.S., University of Southern Maine
Chance, William β Vice President for Institutional Advancement
B.A., Yale University
DeBurro, Jennifer β Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, Dean of Students and Assistant Provost for Student Affairs
M.Ed., Suffolk University; B.A., Assumption College
Leighton, Dennis β Associate Provost for Student Affairs D.P.T., University of St. Augustine; M.S., Boston University; M.A.T., University of North Carolina, Chapel-Hill; B.S., Springfield College
Loftus, Craig β Chief Information Officer M.Ed., East Tennessee State University
Majid, Anouar β Vice President for Global Affairs Ph.D., Syracuse University; M.A., City University of New York; B.A., University of Fez, Morocco
Steinberg, Scott β Vice President of University Admissions
M.B.A., Columbia University; B.A., Bates College
Trufant, Nicole β Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration/CFO
M.S.M., New England College; B.A., B.S., University of Southern Maine
Tumiel, John β Vice President for Board Relations and Senior Advisor to the President
M.A, University of Alabama in Birmingham; B.S., Empire State College, State University of New York; A.A.S., Erie Community College
College Deans
Carreiro, Jane E. β Dean, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Vice President of Health Affairs
D.O., University of New England: B.A., Clark University
Golub, Andrew β Dean of Library Services
M.S., Simmons College; M.A., Miami University; B.A., Boston University
Hey, Jeanne A. K. β Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D., M.A., The Ohio State University; B.A., Bucknell University
Houseknecht, Karen β Associate Provost for Research and Scholarship
Ph.D., Cornell University; M.S., University of Georgia; B.S., Virginia Tech
McCarthy, Robert - Dean, College of Pharmacy
Ph.D., Northeastern University; B.S., Northeastern University
Pardue, Karen β Dean, Westbrook College of Health Professions Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University; M.S., Russell Sage College; B.S., Russell Sage College
Ryder, Jon β Dean, College of Dental Medicine
D.D.S., University of Iowa College of Dentistry; M.S., University of California Ostrow School of Dentistry; B.A., Augustana College
Wilson, Martha Kirkendall β Dean, College of Graduate and Professional Studies Ph.D., University of Alabama; M.S.W., University of Alabama; D.S.W., University of Alabama
College of Arts and Sciences Administration
Hey, Jeanne A. K. β Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D., M.A., The Ohio State University - Political Science; B.A., Bucknell University - International Relations and Spanish.
Gray, Susan β Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Ed.D., Boston University - Mathematics Education; M.A.T., University of Pittsburgh - Secondary Science Education; B.S., Pennsylvania State University - Medical Technology/Biology.
Guay, David A. β Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
M.S., University of California, San Diego - Marine Biology; B.S., Bates College - Biology
Keirstead, Amy β Interim Associated Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D., Florida State University - Philosophy in Oceanography; M.S., University of Texas at Austin - Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Texas at Austin - Aerospace Engineering.
Aromando, Lorraine β Coordinator, Early College Program
M.A., Seton Hall University - Educational Leadership and Supervision; B.A., Seton Hall University - Communications
Arciero, Michael β Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D., University of Rhode Island - Mathematics; B.S., University of Rhode Island - Physics
Bartholomew, Audrey β Interim Chair, Department of Education
Ph.D., University of Northe Caolina at Charlotte - Special Education; M.A., Lehigh University - Speical Education; B.A., University of Maryland at College Park - Speical Education
Brown, A. Christine β Chair, Department of Biology
Ph.D., University of Oregon, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology - Biology; B.A., Bowdoin College - Biology
Burt, Stephen β Chair, Department of Arts
M.F.A., State University of New York at Purchase - Printmaking; B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design - Illustration
Dragon, Emily β Director, Global Education Program
B.A., Brown University.
Duff, Brian β Chair, Department of Political Science
Ph.D., M.A., University of California, Berkeley - Political Science; B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Political Science.
Gower, Tami β Chair, Department of Business
M. Ed., Lesley University - Education; M.B.A., Bentley University; B.S., Husson University - Accounting
Long, Patricia J. β Chair, Department of Psychology
Ph.D., M.S., University of Georgia - Clinical Psychology; B.S., Texas A & M University - Psychology
McHugh, Susan β Chair, Department of English
Ph.D., Purdue University - English; M.A., B.A., University of Massachusetts - English
McReynolds, Samuel β Chair, Department of Society, Culture and Languages
Ph.D., Cornell University - Development Sociology; M.A., University of Vermont - History; B.A., University of Virginia - Government
Perlut, Noah β Chari, Department of Environmental Studies
Ph.D., University of Vermont - Natural Resources; M.A., New York University - Environmental Conservation Education; B.S., James Madison University - English
Simon, Cynthia β Director, Internship Office
M.S., Lesley College - Environmental Education; B.S., Northeastern University - Business Administration - Marketing
Stubbs, John β Chair, Department of Chemistry and Physics
Ph.D., University of Minnesota - Chemistry; B.A., University of Minnesota at Morris - Chemistry and German
Tilburg, Charles - Chair, Department of Marine Sciences; Director, Marine Science Center
Ph.D., Florida State University - Philosophy in Oceanography; M.S., University of Texas at Austin - Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Texas at Asutin - Aerospace Engineering
Zuelow, Eric β Chair, Department of History and Philosophy
Ph.D., M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison - Modern European History; B.A., University of Washington - Political Science
Westbrook College of Health Professions Administration
Pardue, Karen T. β Dean, Westbrook College of Health Professions
Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University; M.S., B.S.N., Russell Sage College
Audette, Jennifer β Program Director, Physical Therapy
Ph.D., University of Rhode Island/Rhode Island College; M.S., Boston University; BS, Northeastern University
Cohen Konrad, Shelley β Program Director, School of Social Work
Ph.D., M.S.W., Simmons College; B.A., Boston University
Dunbar, Dawne-Marie - Director, Clincal Simulation; Associate Professor Nursing, Common Interprofessional Curriculum Coordinator
M.S.N.eD., University of Phoenix; B.S., A.D.N., University of New England
Harmer-Beem, Marji β Program Director, Dental Hygiene
M.S., B.S., University of Southern Maine; A.S., Westbrook College
Husman, Caryn β Program Director, Health, Wellness and Occupational Studies
M.S.O.T., B.S., University of New England.
Mason, Trisha β Director of Service Learning
M.A., Muskie School of Public Service, University of Southern Maine; B.A., Hamilton College
McCormack Tutt, Sally - Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
MPH, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; DPT, BS, University of New England
Mills, Bernice β Assistant Dean of Student & Clinical Affairs
M.S., University of Southern Maine; B.S., Indiana University, A.S., Westbrook College
Morton, Jennifer β Program Director, Nursing
D.N.P., University of Massachusetts - Amherst; M.S. and M.P.H., University of Massachusetts; B.S.N., University of Southern Maine
Nimmo, Cheryl - Program Director, Didactics; Assistant Clinical Professor, Nurse Anesthesia
D.N.P., Northeastern University; M.S.H.S.A., Salve Regina University; B.S., Evangel University
Pierce, Health β Interim Assistant Dean
M.Ed., University of Maine; B.S., University of Maine-Farmington
Risling-de Jong, Robin - Director, Physician Assistant
Ed.D., University of South Alabama; MHS, University of South Alabama; BA, California State University Fullerton
Visich, Paul β Program Director, Department of Exercise and Sport Performance
Ph.D., M.P.H., University of Pittsburgh; M.S., George Williams College; B.S., Pennsylvania State University
Winston, Kristin β Program Director, Occupational Therapy
Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University; M.Ed., University of Vermont; B.S., University of New Hampshire
College of Pharmacy Administration
Houseknecht, Karen L. β Interim Dean
Ph.D., Cornell University; M.S., University of Georgia; B.S., Virginia Tech
Woodward, Jean M. B. β Associate Dean for Student Services and Faculty Development
Ph.D., University of Texas - Austin; M.S., Purdue University; B.S., University of Rhode Island
Krebs, James R. β Assistant Dean, Experiential Education
Pharm.D., University of Rhode Island; M.S., University of New England, B.S., Pharmacy, Ohio Northern University
Marsh, Wallace β Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Ph.D., Pharmacy Administration, University of Texas; M.S., Education, Nova Southeastern University; MBA, Nova Southeastern University; M.S., Pharmacy Administration, University of Texas; B.S., Pharmacy, University of Texas.
Guvench, Olgun β Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ph.D., Scripps Research Institute; M.D., Columbia University; B.A., Harvard University
Allen, George β Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Pharm.D., Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences; B.S. Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences; B.S. Biology, University of New Hampshire
Ochs, Leslie β Vice Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Ph.D., University of South Carolina; Pharm.D., Shenandoah University; M.S.P.H., University of South Carolina; B.S. South Carolina College of Pharmacy
McCall III, Kenneth L. β Coordinator of Professional and Alumni Affairs
Pharm.D., University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center College of Pharmacy; B.S. Pharmacy, University of Oklahoma
College of Osteopathic Medicine Administration
Carreiro, Jane E. β Vice President for Health Affairs and Dean, College of Osteopathic Medicine
D.O., University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine
DeFeo, Guy β Associate Dean for Clinical Education
D.O., University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine; M.S., Medical Education Leadership, University of New England
Doane, Cheryl β Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern University; M.S.Ed., Northern Illinois University
Kelley, Patricia β Associate Dean for Recruitment, Student and Alumni Services, Osteopathic Medicine
M.S., University of Tennessee
Brandt, Kathryn β Chair of Primary Care Medicine
D.O., University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine; M.S., Medical Education Leadership, University of New England
Hermann, Jodie β Chair of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
D.O., University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Cawley, Robert β Chair of Specialty Medicine
D.O., University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Mokler, David β Interim Chair of Biomedical Sciences
Ph.D., Michigan State University
Brittle, Lori β Director of Finance and Administration
M.B.A., WirtschaftsuniversitΓ€t Wien (University of Economics & Business Administration), Vienna, Austria; I.M.B.A., University of South Carolina
College of Graduate and Professional Studies Administration
Wilson, Martha K. β&²Τ²ϊ²υ±θ; Dean
Ph.D., University of Alabama; D.S.W., University of Alabama
Wilkes, Heidi L. - Associate Dean
D.L.P., Northeastern University; M.B.A. Bently University
Littlefield, Michelle β Assistant Dean, Finance and Strategy
M.B.A., Southern New Hampshire University, B.A., University of Maine
Academic Administration
Benz, Elizabeth A. β&²Τ²ϊ²υ±θ;Director, Student Support
M.A. Gonzaga University; B.G.S., Valdosta State University
Connor, Erin L. β&²Τ²ϊ²υ±θ;Program Director, Graduate Programs in Education
Ph.D., University of Southern Maine; Ed.M., Harvard University
Dodge, Elizabeth (Ellie) C. β&²Τ²ϊ²υ±θ;Program Director, Graduate Programs in Applied Nutrition
Ph.D., M.S., University of Maine
Fortier, Barbara A. β&²Τ²ϊ²υ±θ;Program Director, Science Prerequisites for the Health Professions
M.S., Mississippi State University, M.S., University of New England
Landry, Megan β Program Director, Graduate Programs in Health Informatics
MHA, St. Joseph's University; BSN, Husson College
Lindsay, Nicole β Director, Online Admissions
M.S. University of New England; B.S., University of Maine
OβNeil, Jennifer β&²Τ²ϊ²υ±θ;Program Director, Graduate Programs in Social Work Online
Ph.D. (Candidate), Lesley University; M.S.W., Simmons College
Pelletier, Jayne β&²Τ²ϊ²υ±θ;Director, Academic Policy and Accreditation
Ph.D., University of New Hampshire; M.A.T., University of New Hampshire
Parent II, Richard Elliott β&²Τ²ϊ²υ±θ;Director, Assessment
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh; M.A., Mills College
Tin Maung, Nang H. β&²Τ²ϊ²υ±θ;Program Director, Graduate Programs in Public Health Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Medical School; MPH, Harvard School of Public Health
College of Dental Medicine Administration
Ryder, Jon S. β Dean of the College of Dental Medicine
D.D.S., University of Iowa College of Dentistry; M.S., University of Southern California Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry; B.A., Augustana College
Koelbl, James β Executive Associate Dean
D.D.S., University of Illinois College of Dentistry; M.J., Loyola University School of Law; M.S., Loyola University Graduate School.
Farrior, O. Fields β Associate Dean of Clinical Education and Patient Care
D.M.D., Tufts University College of Dental Medicine; M.S., University of New England; B.S., Auburn University
Kimmes, Nicole β Associate Dean of Curriculum Integration and Analytics
D.D.S., Creighton University School of Dentistry; B.S., Northern State University
Erickson, Travis - Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
M.Ed., University of Maine, B.S., University of Maine
Pillsbury, Matthew - Assistant Dean of Finance and Administration
B.A., University of Maine