91制片厂 Coastal Community Coalition's school fitness grants focus of Kennebunk news story

The on Jan. 17, 2010 ran a story on Kennebunk Elementary School's health and fitness program that was made possible by two grants from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine's Coastal Community Coalition. 

The Coalition's 5-2-1-0 Community and School mini-grants were awarded to 11 schools throughout southern Maine and promote physical activity and healthy eating among students. The grants focus on the principles of 5-2-1-0 Goes to School, a program of the Barbara Bush Children鈥檚 Hospital, said physical education teacher Diane Dyer.

The program teaches children the importance of maintaining a balanced diet; 5-2-1-0 is a simple guide children can follow by eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day; limiting TV and computer use (not related to school) to two hours or less a day; getting one hour or more of physical activity every day; and drinking water or low fat milk instead of soda and drinks with sugar.