Brian Duff interviewed by MPBN radio for an profile of Democratic Congresswoman Chellie Pingree
Brian Duff, Ph.D., 91制片厂 associate professor of political science, was interviewed for a Oct. 16, 2012 MPBN radio election story profiling Democratic Congresswoman Chellie Pingree.
Duff says unless Pingree commits a serious error in the next few weeks, she should be heading back to Washington next year.
"It would take a scandal; it would take saying something really unexpected at the debates," Duff says. And that, he says, would be a huge surprise. "Chellie Pingree seems to be a disciplined candidate, she's done well in her previous campaigns, and she doesn't seem prone to major slipups." .
Duff is the author of The Parent as Citizen: A Democratic Dilemma. He has also published research on feminist theory, voting, and the politics of race and ethnicity.