Master of Science in Education


Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.)
91制片厂 Online | College of Professional Studies (CPS)



All programs at the University of New England are accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).

Curricular Requirements

The Master of Science in Education

91制片厂 allows students to customize their program by choosing electives from different topic areas in education such as curriculum, literacy, educational leadership, and inclusion for teachers looking to advance their careers in education.

Contact your state鈥檚 Department of Education for specific certification requirements.

Program RequirementsCredits
Total Core Credits15
Total Elective Credits (pick any 5 courses)15
Total Program Credits30
Core Course RequirementCredits
EDU 620 鈥 Ethical Responsibilities in Today's Education Systems3
EDU 610 鈥 Differentiation Theory & Strategies3
EDU 625 鈥 Developing a Framework for Diversity and Inclusion3
EDU 690 鈥 Action Research3
EDU 695 鈥 Portfolio3

Elective Options

Elective CoursesCredits
EDU 600 鈥 Teacher as Leader3
EDU 615 鈥 Motivational Theory and Class Management3
EDU 631 鈥 Transforming Curriculum for Online Learning3
EDU 632 鈥 Enhancing Online Student Engagement3
EDU 633 鈥 Assessment Approaches in Online Courses3
EDU 634 鈥 Navigating an Online Learning Ecosystem3
EDU 635 鈥 Advanced Elements of Learning Experience Design3
EDU 650 鈥 Design Thinking for Organizational Innovation3
EDU 701 鈥 Educational Leadership3
EDU 702 鈥 School Law3
EDU 703 鈥 Educational Change/School Reform3
EDU 704 鈥 Supervision and Evaluation of Instructional Personnel3
EDU 706 鈥 School-Community Relations and Communications3
EDU 707 鈥 Instructional Leadership3
EDU 709 鈥 School Finance3
EDU 715 鈥 Organizational Theory and Strategic Planning3
EDU 720 鈥 Special Education Law for the Classroom3
EDU 721 鈥 Using Technology within Inclusion Education3
EDU 722 鈥 Special Education Assessment in Inclusion Settings3
EDU 723 鈥 Teaching and Learning in Inclusion Settings3
EDU 725 鈥 Behaviors Considerations/Inclusion3
EDU 726 鈥 Telling Your School's Story through Data Analysis3
EDU 727 鈥 Understand the Whole Child3
EDU 730 鈥 Universal Design for Learning3
EDU 740 鈥 Supporting Literacy Development for All Learners3
EDU 741 鈥 Literacy Assessments as Teaching Tools3
EDU 742 鈥 Study Skills & Content Literacy Instruction for All3
EDU 743 鈥 Connecting Reading with Writing for Success3
EDU 744 鈥 Meeting Student Literacy Challenges3
EDU 746 鈥 Professional Learning and Literacy Leadership3
EDU 747 鈥 Literacy for English Language Learners3
EDU 748 鈥 Literacy for Inclusion Settings3
EDU 760 鈥 Adult Learning Theory3
EDU 770 鈥 Maximizing the Talent in your Organization3

Master of Science in Education 鈥 Reading Specialist

For educators interested in pursuing certification, the University of New England offers a program to equip teachers with the foundational knowledge and curriculum required by the State of Maine.

Core Courses RequiredCredits
EDU 600 鈥 Teacher as Leader3
EDU 610 鈥 Differentiation Theory & Strategies3
Required ElectivesCredits
EDU 740 鈥 Supporting Literacy Development for All Learners3
EDU 741 鈥 Literacy Assessments as Teaching Tools3
EDU 742 鈥 Study Skills and Content Literacy Instruction for All3
EDU 743 鈥 Connecting Reading with Writing for Success3
EDU 744 鈥 Meeting Student Literacy Challenges3
EDU 746 鈥 Professional Learning and Literacy Leadership3
EDU 747 鈥 Literacy for English Language Learners3
EDU 748 鈥 Literacy for Inclusion Settings3
EDU 749 鈥 Reading Diagnosis: Clinical Practice I3
EDU 750 鈥 Instruction Intervention: Clinical Practice II3
Program RequirementsCredits

Master of Science in Education 鈥 Inclusion Education

This program is no longer admitting new students and will be replaced with Master of Science in Education 鈥 Special Education.

For educators interested in pursuing certification, the University of New England offers a program to equip teachers with the foundational knowledge and curriculum required by the State of Maine.

Core Courses RequiredCredits
EDU 600 鈥 Teacher as Leader3
EDU 690 鈥 Action Research3
Required ElectivesCredits
EDU 720 鈥 Special Education Law for the Classroom3
EDU 721 鈥 Using Technology within Inclusion Education3
EDU 722 鈥 Special Education Assessment in Inclusion Settings3
EDU 723 鈥 Teaching and Learning in Inclusion Settings3
EDU 725 鈥 Behavior Considerations in the Inclusive Setting3
EDU 726 鈥 Telling Your School's Story Through Data Analysis3
EDU 727 鈥 Understanding the Whole Child in the Inclusive Setting3
EDU 730 鈥 Universal Design for Learning3
Program RequirementsCredits

Master of Science in Education 鈥 Special Education

This program is replacing Master of Science in Education 鈥 Inclusion Education.

For educators interested in pursuing certification, the University of New England offers a program to equip teachers with the foundational knowledge and curriculum required by the State of Maine.

Core Courses RequiredCredits
EDU 600 鈥 Teacher as Leader3
EDU 690 鈥 Action Research3
Required ElectivesCredits
EDU 720 鈥 Special Education Law for the Classroom3
EDU 721 鈥 Using Technology within Inclusion Education3
EDU 722 鈥 Special Education Assessment in Inclusion Settings3
EDU 723 鈥 Teaching and Learning in Inclusion Settings3
EDU 725 鈥 Behavior Considerations in the Inclusive Setting3
EDU 726 鈥 Telling Your School's Story Through Data Analysis3
EDU 727 鈥 Understanding the Whole Child in the Inclusive Setting3
EDU 730 鈥 Universal Design for Learning3
Program RequirementsCredits

Master of Science in Education 鈥 Educational Leadership

For educators interested in pursuing certification as building administrators, the University of New England offers a program to equip teachers with the foundational knowledge and curriculum required by the State of Maine.

Required CoursesCredits
EDU 600 鈥 Teacher as Leader3
EDU 620 鈥 Ethical Responsibilities in Today's Education System3
EDU 701 鈥 Educational Leadership3
EDU 702 鈥 School Law3
EDU 704 鈥 Supervision and Evaluation of Instructional Personnel3
EDU 706 鈥 School-Community Relations & Communications3
EDU 709 鈥 School Finance3
EDU 715 鈥 Organizational Theory and Strategic Planning3
EDU 720 鈥 Special Education Law3
EDU 791 鈥 Internship3

Master of Science in Education 鈥 Teaching Methodology

The Master of Science in Education 鈥 Teaching Methodology is available only to 91制片厂 students who have successfully completed the Teacher Certification Program (TCP). The Teaching Methodology program is a 30-credit master鈥檚 degree encompassing 15 graduate credits from 91制片厂鈥檚 College of Arts and Sciences Teacher Certification Program and 15 core credits in the College of Professional Studies (CPS) Graduate Programs in Education.

Program RequirementsCredits
EDU 502 鈥 Curriculum and Assessment3
EDU 510 鈥 Exceptionality in the Classroom3
EDU 561 鈥 Teaching Social Studies, K-83
EDU 567 鈥 Teaching Science, K-83
EDU 573 鈥 Teaching Mathematics, K-83
EDU 581 鈥 Foundations of Literacy Development and Instruction3
EDU 582 鈥 Literacy Research-Based Instructional Methods3
Total Credits (15 required for MSM, but 21 required for Maine State certification)21
Secondary or Art CoursesCredits
EDU 502 鈥 Curriculum and Assessment3
EDU 510 鈥 Exceptionality in the Classroom3
EDU 582 鈥 Literacy Research-Based Instructional Methods3
Select one appropriate methods course from the following3
EDU 536 鈥 Teaching Secondary English3
EDU 537 鈥 Teaching Secondary Science3
EDU 538 鈥 Teaching Secondary Social Studies3
EDU 539 鈥 Teaching Secondary Math3
EDU 541 鈥 Methods of Art Education3
Elective - Must choose one elective at the Graduate Level3
CPS Program RequirementsCredits
EDU 620 鈥 Ethical Responsibilities in Today's Educational Systems3
EDU 610 鈥 Differentiation Theory & Strategies3
EDU 625 鈥 Developing a Framework for Diversity and Inclusion3
EDU 690 鈥 Action Research3
EDU 695 鈥 Portfolio3

Academic Policy

Course Drop and Withdrawal Policy

The last date to drop a course with no record is the first day of course. Students who withdraw from a course must do so in writing (e-mail is acceptable) by the end of the fourth week of the course. Students will receive a 鈥淲鈥 on their transcripts indicating withdrawal. Beyond the fourth week, at the faculty鈥檚 discretion, a 鈥淲P鈥 or 鈥淲F鈥 may be assigned if extenuating circumstances do not allow the student to complete his/her work. Be aware that no portion of the tuition will be refunded after the second week of the course.

Minimal Grade Point Average

Matriculated graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (B) or better. Failure to do so will result in academic probation and possible termination from the program. Any student receiving a grade below B- on any individual course has failed that course and must re-enroll and repeat the course to achieve a grade of B- or better. Students receiving a grade of F in any course will be immediately placed on academic probation. Any student who receives a grade of F in two courses is dismissed from the program.

Dismissal from the Program

Termination from the Program may occur when the Education Program Director becomes aware of one of the following:

  • Surrender of a teacher license in any jurisdiction for disciplinary reasons.
  • Documented academic dishonesty (Note this also includes course online postings and email communications with faculty and staff. Students are advised that their behavior while participating in the Program should exemplify the ethical behavior of a professional educator with respect to all communications.)

Graduation Requirements

To complete the program and receive a Master of Science in Education, a student must:

  • Complete all program requirements.
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0.
  • Pay all tuition and fees.

Leave of Absence (Academic Stop Out)

Students may stop out of their program for up to two semesters. Students need to coordinate stop outs in advance with their assigned student support specialist, and stop out time is considered part of the time allotted to complete the academic program. Application for readmission is not necessary if the student returns as planned. However, the student who does not return at the specified time or who exceeds two semesters of stop out will be administratively withdrawn and will be subject to readmission procedures. Readmitted students are subject to the re-admittance term鈥檚 catalog (this may mean that policies and/or program requirements have been changed or updated since previous admission, and should be reviewed for potential impact on degree requirements, time to complete the degree, and degree planning).


Students who have withdrawn from the program, either self-initiated or administrative withdrawal, must reapply to the program if they wish to continue their studies. The application procedures, academic policies, and program requirements that are in effect at the time of readmission will apply.

Students who re-enroll following withdrawal will have their previous coursework evaluated for applicability to the existing academic requirements. Coursework that is more than five years old may not be accepted for credit in the program.

Learning Outcomes

Students will learn to:

  • Apply leadership frameworks that focus on personal values, beliefs, ethics, and leadership styles.
  • Address the full range of motivation and differentiation issues encountered in today's educational systems.
  • Promote social justice using principles of diversity and inclusion.
  • Analyze and conduct research relevant to their teaching or administrative interests.
  • Document professional development in the program via an electronic portfolio of coursework.
  • Develop online collaborative relationships with peers. 

Transfer Credit

Upon acceptance, students may apply to transfer up to three, 3-credit courses (maximum of nine credits) into the Master of Science in Education program.

To request consideration for transfer credit, a student must provide an official transcript. Transfer credit is awarded at the discretion of The College of Professional Studies based on specific program details listed below. Requests for approval of transfer credit should be submitted to and will be granted at the discretion of the program director.

Transfer credit must be:

  • classified as graduate level.
  • taken at a regionally accredited institution.
  • worth 3 credits.
  • taken within five years of application.
  • completed with a grade of 鈥淏鈥 or better.
  • equivalent to one of the required program courses or an elective course that meets the goals of the student鈥檚 education.


Admission Requirements

  • A bachelor's degree or above from a regionally accredited institution or its equivalent. See International Admissions for details regarding evaluation of international degrees for grade and degree equivalency.
  • Applications are reviewed holistically as a determination of academic readiness. The admissions committee values previous academic performance as indicated on transcripts and considers it as part of the review process.
  • Computer with an internet connection, including the hardware and software requirements described in our . Must also possess sufficient computer skills to navigate the internet as all classes are accessed 100% online. 

Application Process

  • Completed online application: 
  • Current Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • Goal Statement / Writing Sample
  • Official transcripts reflecting conferral of a bachelor's degree or above from a regionally accredited institution. 

Note: Transcripts for any coursework appearing as transfer credit on the transcript of the conferred degree can be waived if the coursework is unrelated to the degree being sought. The program admissions committee defines all coursework not eligible for waiver.

Procedures and Policies

  • Applications for admission are accepted through 91制片厂鈥檚 online application only. Detailed instructions are included in the online application.
  • Official transcripts, as well as other documents to support the application, must be submitted to The College of Professional Studies, either electronically or sent to 716 Stevens Ave, Portland, ME, 04103
  • International applicants and applicants with international degrees must have their transcripts evaluated for degree and grade equivalency to that of a regionally accredited U.S. institution. See International Admissions.
  • All applicants to 91制片厂 must be able to understand and communicate in English to be admitted to the university. 91制片厂 accepts several methods to demonstrate English Proficiency, See International Admissions.
  • If an applicant cannot prove English Proficiency in another way, scores from the  are required and must be submitted as a part of the completed application. 
  • All materials submitted as part of the application become the property of 91制片厂 and will not be returned or released to anyone, including the applicant. This policy includes letters of reference, primary and secondary applications, personal statements, transcripts, and other supporting materials.

For additional information on the admissions process and requirements, please access the .


The Master of Science in Education program and the MSEd Admissions Committee in collaboration with the College of Professional Studies reserve the right to make exceptions to the admissions criteria and to make changes or exceptions to policies and procedures, on a case by case basis, when it deems such a decision is necessary and appropriate.

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the Financial Information section of this catalog.

Financial Aid

Detailed information and applications are available on request from the Financial Aid Office. Call (207) 602-2342 or visit the Financial Aid website.

Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This Catalog documents the academic programs, policies, and activities of the University of New England for the 2023鈥2024 academic year. The information contained herein is accurate as of the date of publication April 28, 2023.

The University of New England reserves the right in its sole judgment to make changes of any nature in its programs, calendar, or academic schedule whenever it is deemed necessary or desirable, including changes in course content, the rescheduling of classes with or without extending the academic term, canceling of scheduled classes or other academic activities, in any such case giving such notice thereof as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances.

While each student may work closely with an academic advisor, he or she must retain individual responsibility for meeting requirements in this catalog and for being aware of any changes in provisions or requirements.