Herbert, James –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;President
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Greensboro; M.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro; B.A., University of Texas at Austin
Sheldon, Michael – Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Ph.D., Muskie School of Public Service USM; M.S., P.T., Duke University; M.S. University of Maine; B.S., University of Rhode Island
Beaulieu, Ellen, G. – Vice President for Strategy and Communications
Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University; M.P.H., University of Hawaii; B.A., University of Hawaii; A.S., Forsyth School for Dental Hygienists
Bola, William – Vice President for Operations
M.S., University of Southern Maine
Chance, William – Vice President for Institutional Advancement
B.A., Yale University
DeBurro, Jennifer – Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, Dean of Students and Assistant Provost for Student Affairs
M.Ed., Suffolk University; B.A., Assumption College
Leighton, Dennis – Associate Provost for Student Affairs D.P.T., University of St. Augustine; M.S., Boston University; M.A.T., University of North Carolina, Chapel-Hill; B.S., Springfield College
Loftus, Craig – Chief Information Officer M.Ed., East Tennessee State University
Majid, Anouar – Vice President for Global Affairs Ph.D., Syracuse University; M.A., City University of New York; B.A., University of Fez, Morocco
Steinberg, Scott – Vice President of University Admissions
M.B.A., Columbia University; B.A., Bates College
Trufant, Nicole – Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration/CFO
M.S.M., New England College; B.A., B.S., University of Southern Maine
Tumiel, John – Vice President for Board Relations and Senior Advisor to the President
M.A, University of Alabama in Birmingham; B.S., Empire State College, State University of New York; A.A.S., Erie Community College
College Deans
Carreiro, Jane E. – Dean, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Vice President of Health Affairs
D.O., University of New England: B.A., Clark University
Golub, Andrew – Dean of Library Services
M.S., Simmons College; M.A., Miami University; B.A., Boston University
Hey, Jeanne A. K. – Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D., M.A., The Ohio State University; B.A., Bucknell University
Houseknecht, Karen – Associate Provost for Research and Scholarship
Ph.D., Cornell University; M.S., University of Georgia; B.S., Virginia Tech
McCarthy, Robert - Dean, College of Pharmacy
Ph.D., Northeastern University; B.S., Northeastern University
Pardue, Karen – Dean, Westbrook College of Health Professions Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University; M.S., Russell Sage College; B.S., Russell Sage College
Ryder, Jon – Dean, College of Dental Medicine
D.D.S., University of Iowa College of Dentistry; M.S., University of California Ostrow School of Dentistry; B.A., Augustana College
Wilson, Martha Kirkendall – Dean, College of Graduate and Professional Studies Ph.D., University of Alabama; M.S.W., University of Alabama; D.S.W., University of Alabama
College of Arts and Sciences Administration
Hey, Jeanne A. K. – Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D., M.A., The Ohio State University - Political Science; B.A., Bucknell University - International Relations and Spanish.
Gray, Susan – Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Ed.D., Boston University - Mathematics Education; M.A.T., University of Pittsburgh - Secondary Science Education; B.S., Pennsylvania State University - Medical Technology/Biology.
Guay, David A. – Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
M.S., University of California, San Diego - Marine Biology; B.S., Bates College - Biology
Keirstead, Amy – Interim Associated Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D., Florida State University - Philosophy in Oceanography; M.S., University of Texas at Austin - Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Texas at Austin - Aerospace Engineering.
Aromando, Lorraine – Coordinator, Early College Program
M.A., Seton Hall University - Educational Leadership and Supervision; B.A., Seton Hall University - Communications
Arciero, Michael – Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D., University of Rhode Island - Mathematics; B.S., University of Rhode Island - Physics
Bartholomew, Audrey – Interim Chair, Department of Education
Ph.D., University of Northe Caolina at Charlotte - Special Education; M.A., Lehigh University - Speical Education; B.A., University of Maryland at College Park - Speical Education
Brown, A. Christine – Chair, Department of Biology
Ph.D., University of Oregon, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology - Biology; B.A., Bowdoin College - Biology
Burt, Stephen – Chair, Department of Arts
M.F.A., State University of New York at Purchase - Printmaking; B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design - Illustration
Dragon, Emily – Director, Global Education Program
B.A., Brown University.
Duff, Brian – Chair, Department of Political Science
Ph.D., M.A., University of California, Berkeley - Political Science; B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Political Science.
Gower, Tami – Chair, Department of Business
M. Ed., Lesley University - Education; M.B.A., Bentley University; B.S., Husson University - Accounting
Long, Patricia J. – Chair, Department of Psychology
Ph.D., M.S., University of Georgia - Clinical Psychology; B.S., Texas A & M University - Psychology
McHugh, Susan – Chair, Department of English
Ph.D., Purdue University - English; M.A., B.A., University of Massachusetts - English
McReynolds, Samuel – Chair, Department of Society, Culture and Languages
Ph.D., Cornell University - Development Sociology; M.A., University of Vermont - History; B.A., University of Virginia - Government
Perlut, Noah – Chari, Department of Environmental Studies
Ph.D., University of Vermont - Natural Resources; M.A., New York University - Environmental Conservation Education; B.S., James Madison University - English
Simon, Cynthia – Director, Internship Office
M.S., Lesley College - Environmental Education; B.S., Northeastern University - Business Administration - Marketing
Stubbs, John – Chair, Department of Chemistry and Physics
Ph.D., University of Minnesota - Chemistry; B.A., University of Minnesota at Morris - Chemistry and German
Tilburg, Charles - Chair, Department of Marine Sciences; Director, Marine Science Center
Ph.D., Florida State University - Philosophy in Oceanography; M.S., University of Texas at Austin - Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Texas at Asutin - Aerospace Engineering
Zuelow, Eric – Chair, Department of History and Philosophy
Ph.D., M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison - Modern European History; B.A., University of Washington - Political Science
Westbrook College of Health Professions Administration
Pardue, Karen T. – Dean, Westbrook College of Health Professions
Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University; M.S., B.S.N., Russell Sage College
Audette, Jennifer – Program Director, Physical Therapy
Ph.D., University of Rhode Island/Rhode Island College; M.S., Boston University; BS, Northeastern University
Cohen Konrad, Shelley – Program Director, School of Social Work
Ph.D., M.S.W., Simmons College; B.A., Boston University
Dunbar, Dawne-Marie - Director, Clincal Simulation; Associate Professor Nursing, Common Interprofessional Curriculum Coordinator
M.S.N.eD., University of Phoenix; B.S., A.D.N., University of New England
Harmer-Beem, Marji – Program Director, Dental Hygiene
M.S., B.S., University of Southern Maine; A.S., Westbrook College
Husman, Caryn – Program Director, Health, Wellness and Occupational Studies
M.S.O.T., B.S., University of New England.
Mason, Trisha – Director of Service Learning
M.A., Muskie School of Public Service, University of Southern Maine; B.A., Hamilton College
McCormack Tutt, Sally - Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
MPH, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; DPT, BS, University of New England
Mills, Bernice – Assistant Dean of Student & Clinical Affairs
M.S., University of Southern Maine; B.S., Indiana University, A.S., Westbrook College
Morton, Jennifer – Program Director, Nursing
D.N.P., University of Massachusetts - Amherst; M.S. and M.P.H., University of Massachusetts; B.S.N., University of Southern Maine
Nimmo, Cheryl - Program Director, Didactics; Assistant Clinical Professor, Nurse Anesthesia
D.N.P., Northeastern University; M.S.H.S.A., Salve Regina University; B.S., Evangel University
Pierce, Health – Interim Assistant Dean
M.Ed., University of Maine; B.S., University of Maine-Farmington
Risling-de Jong, Robin - Director, Physician Assistant
Ed.D., University of South Alabama; MHS, University of South Alabama; BA, California State University Fullerton
Visich, Paul – Program Director, Department of Exercise and Sport Performance
Ph.D., M.P.H., University of Pittsburgh; M.S., George Williams College; B.S., Pennsylvania State University
Winston, Kristin – Program Director, Occupational Therapy
Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University; M.Ed., University of Vermont; B.S., University of New Hampshire
College of Pharmacy Administration
Houseknecht, Karen L. – Interim Dean
Ph.D., Cornell University; M.S., University of Georgia; B.S., Virginia Tech
Woodward, Jean M. B. – Associate Dean for Student Services and Faculty Development
Ph.D., University of Texas - Austin; M.S., Purdue University; B.S., University of Rhode Island
Krebs, James R. – Assistant Dean, Experiential Education
Pharm.D., University of Rhode Island; M.S., University of New England, B.S., Pharmacy, Ohio Northern University
Marsh, Wallace – Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Ph.D., Pharmacy Administration, University of Texas; M.S., Education, Nova Southeastern University; MBA, Nova Southeastern University; M.S., Pharmacy Administration, University of Texas; B.S., Pharmacy, University of Texas.
Guvench, Olgun – Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ph.D., Scripps Research Institute; M.D., Columbia University; B.A., Harvard University
Allen, George – Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Pharm.D., Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences; B.S. Pharmacy, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences; B.S. Biology, University of New Hampshire
Ochs, Leslie – Vice Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Ph.D., University of South Carolina; Pharm.D., Shenandoah University; M.S.P.H., University of South Carolina; B.S. South Carolina College of Pharmacy
McCall III, Kenneth L. – Coordinator of Professional and Alumni Affairs
Pharm.D., University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center College of Pharmacy; B.S. Pharmacy, University of Oklahoma
College of Osteopathic Medicine Administration
Carreiro, Jane E. – Vice President for Health Affairs and Dean, College of Osteopathic Medicine
D.O., University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine
DeFeo, Guy – Associate Dean for Clinical Education
D.O., University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine; M.S., Medical Education Leadership, University of New England
Doane, Cheryl – Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern University; M.S.Ed., Northern Illinois University
Kelley, Patricia – Associate Dean for Recruitment, Student and Alumni Services, Osteopathic Medicine
M.S., University of Tennessee
Brandt, Kathryn – Chair of Primary Care Medicine
D.O., University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine; M.S., Medical Education Leadership, University of New England
Hermann, Jodie – Chair of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
D.O., University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Cawley, Robert – Chair of Specialty Medicine
D.O., University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Mokler, David – Interim Chair of Biomedical Sciences
Ph.D., Michigan State University
Brittle, Lori – Director of Finance and Administration
M.B.A., Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (University of Economics & Business Administration), Vienna, Austria; I.M.B.A., University of South Carolina
College of Graduate and Professional Studies Administration
Wilson, Martha K. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è; Dean
Ph.D., University of Alabama; D.S.W., University of Alabama
Wilkes, Heidi L. - Associate Dean
D.L.P., Northeastern University; M.B.A. Bently University
Littlefield, Michelle – Assistant Dean, Finance and Strategy
M.B.A., Southern New Hampshire University, B.A., University of Maine
Academic Administration
Benz, Elizabeth A. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Director, Student Support
M.A. Gonzaga University; B.G.S., Valdosta State University
Connor, Erin L. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Program Director, Graduate Programs in Education
Ph.D., University of Southern Maine; Ed.M., Harvard University
Dodge, Elizabeth (Ellie) C. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Program Director, Graduate Programs in Applied Nutrition
Ph.D., M.S., University of Maine
Fortier, Barbara A. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Program Director, Science Prerequisites for the Health Professions
M.S., Mississippi State University, M.S., University of New England
Landry, Megan – Program Director, Graduate Programs in Health Informatics
MHA, St. Joseph's University; BSN, Husson College
Lindsay, Nicole – Director, Online Admissions
M.S. University of New England; B.S., University of Maine
O’Neil, Jennifer –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Program Director, Graduate Programs in Social Work Online
Ph.D. (Candidate), Lesley University; M.S.W., Simmons College
Pelletier, Jayne –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Director, Academic Policy and Accreditation
Ph.D., University of New Hampshire; M.A.T., University of New Hampshire
Parent II, Richard Elliott –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Director, Assessment
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh; M.A., Mills College
Tin Maung, Nang H. –&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Program Director, Graduate Programs in Public Health Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Medical School; MPH, Harvard School of Public Health
College of Dental Medicine Administration
Ryder, Jon S. – Dean of the College of Dental Medicine
D.D.S., University of Iowa College of Dentistry; M.S., University of Southern California Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry; B.A., Augustana College
Koelbl, James – Executive Associate Dean
D.D.S., University of Illinois College of Dentistry; M.J., Loyola University School of Law; M.S., Loyola University Graduate School.
Farrior, O. Fields – Associate Dean of Clinical Education and Patient Care
D.M.D., Tufts University College of Dental Medicine; M.S., University of New England; B.S., Auburn University
Kimmes, Nicole – Associate Dean of Curriculum Integration and Analytics
D.D.S., Creighton University School of Dentistry; B.S., Northern State University
Erickson, Travis - Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
M.Ed., University of Maine, B.S., University of Maine
Pillsbury, Matthew - Assistant Dean of Finance and Administration
B.A., University of Maine
Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog
This Catalog documents the academic programs, policies, and activities of the University of New England for the 2019-2020 academic year. The information contained herein is accurate as of date of publication April 26, 2019.
The University of New England reserves the right in its sole judgment to make changes of any nature in its programs, calendar, or academic schedule whenever it is deemed necessary or desirable, including changes in course content, the rescheduling of classes with or without extending the academic term, canceling of scheduled classes or other academic activities, in any such case giving such notice thereof as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances.
While each student may work closely with an academic advisor, he or she must retain individual responsibility for meeting requirements in this catalog and for being aware of any changes in provisions or requirements.